Magnify your creative power.
Mama Kraft
Swedish. Noun/Verb.
The force or energy with which something moves.
Anything that is able to make a big change in a person or thing.
To give strength or ability; to make firm and strong.
The power of doing work.
A person or thing that has great power.
Power. Strength. Fortitude. Courage. Capacity. Ability. Impetus. Momentum. Drive. Vigor. Intensity. Force. Energy. Enthusiasm. Spirit. Might.
English. Noun/Verb.
Skill in planning, making, devising, inventing, or executing.
An occupation, trade, or activity requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill.
Articles made by craftspeople.
Expertness in workmanship.
The faculty of executing well what one has devised.
To create or produce with care, skill, or ingenuity.
Art. Trade. Composition. Creation.
What you’ll find here:
Storycraft & Other Creative Outlets
Creating Good Humans & Homes
Spaces, rhythms, and relationships that nurture growth and creativity in ourselves and others.
Creator Care & Wellness
An artist’s most essential tool is the artist themself. Creation first requires care for the creator.
My Favorite Things
Beloved Stories & Art
Fellow Creator Spotlights
Beauty & Inspiration